Imagine a new alternative band suddenly steps on the scene. Hypothetically, let’s say that they are objectively the best band on the planet. And their opening concert is the best concert performed…EVER. Their performance receives no critical reviews; EVERYONE is a fan. They’re just, well, the best band ever.
However, after this performance, the band members themselves receive no attention.
No interviews.
No signings.
No record deal.
Instead, the world has fallen in love with the band’s instruments.
Teens put up posters of the guitar used. Fans pass out when they catch a glimpse of the drum set. Children dream about being just like the keyboard when they grow up.
And even more than that the band members themselves are completely ignored and even hated by some. People can’t stand the sight of them and want nothing to do with them unless, of course, it involved some sort of abuse.
Sounds ludicrous, huh? I mean, the people must be crazy! The instruments have no intrinsic value. They were merely tools that only presented any worth when in the hands of the musicians. It was the band members who should be praised! It was the people behind the instruments that should get the glory! What kind of sick/weird/messed up society would react in such a way?
Good question.
Romans 1:24-25
"Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonoured among them.
For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen."
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